I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel - Yeshua Messiah

What do you think this means?

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Don’t hate me because I keep God’s word before you. I have no ill feelings or hatred towards you. As God’s preacher I am bound by the scriptures. If I could find justification to preach Yahweh I would preach it too.

On the day of Pentecost Peter preached Jesus Christ before the people. The bible tells us in Acts chi-pt. 2 vs. 42 (AND THEY CONTINUED STEADFASTLY IN THE APOSTLES’ DOCTRINE. I am a true Apostolic preacher and I don’t see where any of the Apostles’ preached Yahweh. God’s Apostles’ kept JESUS CHRIST before the people. Yes I will say without reservation that Yahweh is a false God. It is a false doctrine the devil is using to mislead and deceive the people read Matthew chi-pt. 24 vs. 11.
Pastor Lennon - meet - YahsNiviim...May you two have a wonderful life together.
As one might observe, this thread has been reduced to a classic right/wrong exchange. Which is most unfortunate.

The central issue is a lack of education, not theology. The book that we hold in our hands is NOT the inspired word of God as given to His prophets, judges, teachers, apostles, or other contributers to the collected writings we refer to as the scriptures (i.e., The Bible).

The Tanakh (Old Testament) was written primarily in Hebrew with some parts being written in Arabic and the N.T. being written in both Hebrew and Greek. There are also a number of translation attempts which include Coptic, Samaritan, Syriac, and of course, Arabic - not to mention all of the "modern languages" starting with Latin and moving on to German, English, Spanish, etc.

As a result, to day there are no copies of the Bible that are "free from error". Even copies of the original language texts contain some "minor textual problems". Even so, to hold on to a particular translation or even a particular version of a translation is to miss the message that God has made available to us. I have a great number of translations available to me - and every single one contains some kind of transcribed errors.

Brother Lennon, I fully endorse the study of the original languages that our Bible was written in. To this I would also add a study of the cultures, history, and religions in order to acquire a proper understanding of the world, the people, and their God at the time each segment of the the scriptures were recorded.

There is an admonishment that there should not be many masters (i.e., teachers), for their judgment shall be more strict than others. This rests on two premises. (1) That the teachers are teaching their own agendas and/or (2) the teachers simply do not know (or understand) what it is they are teaching. Even so, the current list of English language Bibles have been used of God to bring many into His kingdom. He has also used many who do not have a great understanding of the word to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, do not take offence offence at having some perceived shortcomings pointed out.Rather, take it as a point departure in furthering an education into the historic richness of the word of God.

"Study to show yourself approved unto God means more than quoting a few words in English. It also requires a knowledge and understanding of what the authors meant (language) when they penned the words that make up the scriptures.

God bless - and may your studies be fruitful.
You are correct Bro Bowman
LOLOL I had to make a couple of "corrections" to my own posting. Well, there goes my self-generated reputation for being "perfect"! ROFLOL
When we start turning away from what is written in the scriptures that is when we start another Gospel. Paul said in Galatians (THERE IS NOT ANOTHER) chi-pt.1 vs.6-9. If we start reading and following the many books man wrote that is when we get into trouble. Man is always leaning to his own carnal mind. He is always trying to change and pervert God’s word. We know that the scriptures are already established and were inspired by God read 2 Timothy chi-pt 3 vs. 16.
The sad thing about what oyu said is 1) its true, and 2) you don't believe it yourself. The Holy name of the FATHER YHWH was declared in OT by GOD Himself to Moses. He repeatedly used it throughout scripture. If you cling to KJV then you'll never get it. Its obvious that you haven't truly studied the Bible.
Yes, my friend. You are absolutely correct at every point. The problem is that the translations we use are not God inspired (without error), but are the works of men (they contain error). A qualified teacher will be able to point them out and explain where and how such error came into existence - and how to "rightly divide the word of truth".

Two examples: The term Godhead does not exist and has no counterpart meaning in Greek or Hebrew. It was a translator's English construct that is not well defined. That is, the term Godhead is used to represent three different Greek terms representing three different elements of God's deity.

From the O.T. : Psalms 101:2," I will behave myself wisely in a perfect H8549 way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect H8537 heart." Neither of these two Hebrew words mean "perfect" as generally expressed in English, within this context. See the Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew-English Lexicon

A better translation would be: “I will give heed to and follow the path (the way) of complete wholesomeness [some Hebrew translators: integrity]; Oh when will You come unto me? Inside my own house I will walk (live) my life in the integrity of my heart.” AWB

These are but two samples of the difficulty encountered when "dividing" the word of truth. Without this level of study, including a more comprehensive investigation of the history, language, culture, and religion of the author and his intended readers, one is left free to interpret the word of God in any manner they personally desire. And, many have, to their own destruction. That is why I take my personal studies and open them up for others to test.
I invite you to visit our website (apostolichop.org) to hear the true word of God.


I want to challenge you on what you were talking about concerning the name of God, and Jesus, etc. Deal?
If you are confused on what God’s name is visit my website (www.apostolichop.org) and listen to sermon # 1 – JESUS CHRIST IS GOD. You can hear the bible truth and nothing but the truth.



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