Are You Auditioning for a job to preach where God has all ready appointed and sent you?...

Should you have to send an audition tape or CD to go into anothers church to preach the gospel when you are chosen and called of God?

Do you believe as I do, that those that are spiritually filled with the Holy Spirit should know and have a decerning Spirit to know those that are like spirits laboring in the vinyards of God together? ...and dost the doors are open to advance the Kingdom of God as they join in partnership.

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Dear Dr. Linda Holliday,

I agree with your answer to some extent. However, I am not certain that it really answered the question
for me.

On one hand, we are to "beware of wolves in sheep's clothes" and "to test the spirits". One can not simply
discern in a 30-minute interview (all the time), ... that those whom are "spiritually filled with the Holy Spirit
should know and have a decerning Spirit to know those that are like spirits laboring in the vinyards of God

In a secular world, interviews are required where one will be paid by an organization (non-profit) or firm.
Many of today's churches bathe in the luxury of tax-exempt status while tithers enjoy this same exemption.

I guess a better way to explain my answer is this way. We've often heard others say, "I've been called into the
ministry." That, to me, is a secular statement without intention. You see, we are all called to the ministry.
Whether we are paid by cash or by God, true recognition must be placed on one or the other.

"Again Jesus said, 'Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' And with that he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven' " (John 20:21-23 NIV). "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen' " (Matthew 28:18-20).

Making disciples means to win folks to Christ.

At times I think we have the mistaken idea that being a disciple of Christ Jesus is a part time affair or only for a small number of people in a congregation. Often we think that the preaching and teaching is the job of a pastor and SS teachers. Often because of this false idea, many in our churches who are saved and born again believers do not see themselves as a vital part of God's mission program. However, the New Testament tells us that all believers are disciples. Moreover, a disciple is one who is deeply committed to Christ. Once a person receives the Lord Jesus they become followers...or disciples of Christ. This is a vital part of being saved and involves God's Will in changing our lives. Thus, a follower of Christ believes God and seeks to make disciples of all nations. He does that by: going, baptizing, and teaching them.

I know that I am a chief sinner when it comes to sitting on the back pew. For so many years, I watched and got involved only at a minimal level. I thought my skillset was too inadequate to be a helper in God's vineyard. Since then, I've learned that we never feel as though we are ready. We grow in spirit along life's winding road with God. Jesus sent his disciples out into the world in groups of two. They would grow along the way. We all grow along the way.

I am a religious volunteer at a local prison. I've never felt so blessed! I feel as though I'm blessed more than many of the incarcerated men. God wants to send us a blessing! Don't wait too long like it did. Help Him to do this today.

I reckon many of you sense my frustration along this particular topic. I'm sorry if much of this comes across with a sour tone. It's just ... We are ALL called to help!!! I implore anyone listening to simply get involved and begin being a blessing to others. We are ALL needed!!! God bless you!! I hope to see you in His vineyard.

"Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field' " (Matthew 9:37-38).

In His vineyard,

Mark Seay
Dear Dr. Linda Holliday,

I agree with your answer to some extent. However, I am not certain that it really answered the question fully
for me.

On one hand, we are to "beware of wolves in sheep's clothes" and "to test the spirits". One can not simply
discern in a 30-minute interview (all the time), ... that those whom are "spiritually filled with the Holy Spirit
should know and have a decerning Spirit to know those that are like spirits laboring in the vinyards of God

In a secular world, interviews are required where one will be paid by an organization (non-profit) or firm.
Many of today's churches bathe in the luxury of tax-exempt status while tithers enjoy this same exemption.

I guess a better way to explain my answer is this way. We've often heard others say, "I've been called into the
ministry." That, to me, is a secular statement without intention. You see, we are all called into ministry.
Whether we are paid by cash or by God, true recognition must be placed on one or the other.

"Again Jesus said, 'Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' And with that he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven' " (John 20:21-23 NIV). "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen' " (Matthew 28:18-20).

Making disciples means to win folks to Christ.

At times, I think we have the mistaken idea that being a disciple of Christ Jesus is a part time affair or only for a small number of people in a congregation. Often we think that the preaching and teaching is the job of a pastor and SS teachers. Because of this false idea, many in our churches who are saved and born again believers do not see themselves as a vital part of God's mission program. However, the New Testament tells us that all believers are disciples. Moreover, a disciple is one who is deeply committed to Christ. Once a person receives the Lord Jesus they become followers...or disciples of Christ. This is a vital part of being saved and involves God's Will in changing our lives. Thus, a follower of Christ believes God and seeks to make disciples of all nations. He does that by: going, baptizing, and teaching them.

I know that I am a chief sinner when it comes to sitting on the back pew. For so many years, I watched and got involved only at a minimal level. I thought my skillset was too inadequate to be a helper in God's vineyard. Since then, I've learned that we never feel as though we are ready. We grow in spirit along life's winding road with God. Jesus sent his disciples out into the world in groups of two. They would grow along the way. We all grow along the way. On the contrary, if one feels they are too well-equipped, one may not feel a drawing unto our Savior. "Our weaknesses are our strengths," as Paul has remarked.

I am a religious volunteer at a local prison. I've never felt so blessed! I feel as though I'm blessed more than many of the incarcerated men. God wants to send us a blessing!

Don't wait too long like I did. Help Him to do this today.

I reckon many of you sense my frustration along this particular subject. I'm sorry if much of this comes across with a sour tone. It's just ... We are ALL called to help!!! I implore anyone listening to simply get involved and begin being a blessing to others. We are ALL needed!!! God bless you!! I hope to see you in His vineyard.

"Then he said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field' " (Matthew 9:37-38).

In His name, whom is above every other name,

Mark Seay
I think that the Body, should be very careful that we dont start to let people treat us like stars and that we dont start to think of ourselves as stars. Every preacher is a servant of God and should maintain the posture of a servant no matter where God takes us we are there because of him. Personally I would not submit a tape to anyone for an engadgement. If you dont invite me I will preach because Im called to do just that. I just wouldnt be preaching for you; so yes My sister I agree whole heartedly with you
Dr. Holliday: Where is this question coming from? Why when I look at it it appears as if there's a spirit that's seeking to be known & and gain superstardom status? And the response is like one you'd say b/c you been in church a while and know how to respond. This sounds like a worldly notion to me. For that matter it is a worldly notion. The bible says in Jeremiah that we should be mindful not to look upon the world and learn their is profitable for nothing. He who gave us life & life more abundantly said we're in the world & not of it. There is no example, precept or otherwise in the bible that teaches anything to evoke such a thought process. He was and now Is has not changed and when the Holy Ghost sends you to speak and deliver as thus says the Lord then the pastor of the Church will be forwarned that there is one coming or in the midst who is to deliver. And really, sometimes the Lord doesn't want you in the pulpit preaching. He may just want you to deliver in a testimony or maybe to a particular individual. I don't like the question. There's a part that's missing. It seems loaded w/personal agenda and ulterior motives not holy as unto God.
What do you mean auditioning for a job to preach?
I agree that there is nothing wrong with CD's and\or DVD's, but it shouldn't stop there, because as the sister said, we still don't know their character. I know this pastor that is a good 'speaker' of the Word, but not a godly man. He did a revival at a church and left with a man's wife. He was also a marijuanna smoker and booze drinker, so we have to be very careful . I would advice that a godly member/pastor be acquainted with the man/woman of God that they bring into the church to deliver the Word to the flock. I agree that we DISCIPLES do not belong to the pastor, but God has entrusted us to that pastor, so he/she will be held accountable for our blood. They will be held accoutable for what goes into our eargates during their time of watch over us. I see nothing wrong with street preaching (I used to stand in the crowd and listen to them deliver the Word, before I got saved). The Bible says go out into the highways and byways..., but it has gotten so dangerous out there that you cannot just go and preach on any street corner now. We are in the last days and the devil is extra busy plotting against God's people, detouring their minds away from the Word of God, and yes, even killing them. It would not be a good idea to go do street preaching alone. Yes, God is our protector, but He also gives us common sense. There are more avenues of getting the Word out to those who won't go into a building to listen to a sermon. I do gospel stageplay. People love 'entertainment'. I use that opportunity to get the Word out. I audition my cast to make sure their expressions, as well as their body languages do not send out the right Word with the wrong message, because our body language can send out the wrong message. So all in all, I say just pray and trust God (even with the ones you know)! He won't stir a TRUE man/woman of God the wrong way!
Hello Sister Cole,I think that you are right about being Aware of Who and Whom you Receive the Word from,because their Ministry Might be of a False Nature,and the One that Leads a Flock is,and will be Held Responsible for the Leading of Souls,by their Ministry,Guidance,and Teachings,as well as Those that Accept
and Fully take in the Consumption of that Ministry,will be Deemed Responsible as well.

I am Going through the Same Battle Right Now,where the Word of God is Overlooked,Skipped,and Fully twisted into a Worldly Way that God Would Not Approve of,or Accept as Being Works that are Good.

You Know it's About the Tithing Issue,there is the Right Way,and the Wrong Way,but there are Many Ways that it can be Done,but Many are Not Taught this in their Churches,because they say Bring All Ye Tithes into the Store House,Yes this is a Given from God,but Once tithes Come in and Nothing is Going Out to Help those in Need,Except (1 or 2)- Boxes of Food in November & December,and to Only Pay Bills the Other 10 Months,then Where is the Blessings for that? (Exactly,there Are None).

And When a Church is Spiritually Dead,You Feel the Same as You Did Before you Ever went through those Sanctuary Doors,there is No Fulfillment of the Spirit nor Soul,that is Why so Many People go from Church to Church,in Search of the Food for their Soul,Not the Hollywood Type of Hype Sermon with the Jumping up and Down,Screaming and Shouting,If Jesus Preached like that I am Sure Many would have thought that He had Lost His Mind,and they would have Condemned Him as being Crazy,but that's not the Fact,in Fact Jesus Taught in a Calm Peaceful Manner that All People,and even Children Could understand and Accept as Being Holy and of God,even though Many Doubted Him for Being Whom He Claimed to be.

Many that Preach a Dead Sermon will Yell,Scream,and Shout,to try to Move Your Spirit,but it Just Don't Fly with Me,and I am Sure a Whole Lot of Other People can Discern Godly Acts and Ways from Un-Godly Acts and Ways,by their Spiritual Gift,if they have are Blessed with them.

I Travel from Place to Place Doing my Music Ministry Work for God,and there is NO PLACE on the Face of this Earth that I Would Not Go,If God Directed me to Go,I will Drop Everything and Just Leave to my Appointed Destination,No Matter What,or Whom I have to Leave Behind,my Wife Knows and Accepts this as Well.

When God Leads or Directs you towards a Mission,you Either Forfeit or Submit to His Will,and Never will I Deny or Denounce His Will and Word.

Thanks for Your Time,(smile)

Brotha Paydae'
Amen! What?
Well First of all, When people are commenting to the topic, they need to stick to the topic at hand, and not allaborate on there chrstian experiences, but simply answer the question, and tell why is your answer correct. In so many words validate your point by scriptural backing. Ughhh
I believe that if One has a Calling from God to Minister His Will and Word,to All of Those Lost Souls and False Preachers and Teachers through out this Land and Abroad,that it Should Not Matter which Church they Came from,If They are Teaching the Truest Word of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.

That is Exactly what I do,I get Invited to Minister at Many Different Events,and Church Functions,through the Music that God has Instilled in me to Create and Minister to,so that Every Song is Different and has a Message for the Spirit,and the Music does not Overshadow the Words Spoken,Nor does the Words Overshadow the Music when Performed together.

If All Churches Really Accept and Praise the Same Lord God Jesus Christ,then there Should Not be a Problem,Except for their Man Made Tradition and Denomination Issues,Which are Not of God,in Whole or Part.

Brotha Paydae'
Wow. Such an eye-opening debate... I have to say if the two sides of this discussion were like the weights of a scale, for me, the side would tip more in favor of the comments made by Dr. Holliday, Brother Moreh and the Apostle Barbara Jones especially.

So, I am a writer and teacher. That was my talent and skill since 1990 and it wasn't until this summer that the Lord began blessing me with visions, spiritual gifts and prophets to speak a word over my true calling - including my Bishop, who was my mentor in launching a "public speaking career." Well, now I have a career all right - I teach at Union University Bible college, I am a minister on staff at The Family Church International and will be presented with my license this year.

No one has questioned the call of God on my life and the visions for my ministry however, just as the Apostle stated, It is a rare and special event even to speak at my own church - let alone anyone else's! I told my Bishop I had a special message for the congregation and he was like "hmm..." Sometimes I think there ought to be somekind of "minister exchange" program and the minister's leader should SEND them like Jesus sent his disciples. We should be empowered and encouraged to go. And then if the church receives us not, shake the dust as a sign unto them...

In other words - my Bishop should send me to other churches and say here she comes, make room and receive her on my behalf with my recommendation. And if they receive me not, shame on them. But church doctorine is just not set up that way. I too have revivals that will revitalize the youth in YOUR church; messages on tithing that should boost YOUR church's income. The way I see my ministry I am HELPING the church - I am a servent and vessle to SERVE the church - anything I give in the Spirit will be a benefit to YOUR church - you know - the church God gave you - the same God that gave me my gifts and gives me my messages and tells me to send a letter of introduction to you.

Still I guess you'd want to make sure I'm not like poor Rev. Wright and come up saying who knows what... What a shame. I think if I ever get a building I will do a minister's co-op to "come one and all" on specific days. And isn't discernment for the believers to test and judge the Word they hear?

When my son was an infant I knew a young mother who was a vegan. Her baby daughter was craving meat - tried to eat it from anyone who had it. But Mom was too squeamish for her own reasons - reasons her daughter obviously had not inherited. I truly wished someone would slip that baby girl a chicken leg. Sounds like a lot of Pastors out there need to let someone slip their congregation a chicken leg and let them discern the goodness for themselves...

Oh well... I probably just axed myself out of any invites from that opinion! hahahah! Forgive me ya'll - I'm young, eager and blessed!

~Min. Dez
Good Evening,

Bro. Moreh you are correct. I always considered the pulpit to be "outside" of the worship building. Meaning you are pulling people out of the pit. I don't really know anybodies testimony, but I do know mine. And I thank him everyday for the SISTER who told me the truth. And by the way she was not in the "church pulpit" telling me, we were at school.
The church to me is like a gas station, you go to get filled up to go run with the Good News of Jesus Christ, telling everyone that there is a better way.
That is how I feel, and I also know that you don't have to be in a building and preach. The greatest teacher I know and still today his sermons are being preached and he was not in a building doing it, and that is Jesus Christ.
Just a thought. Much Love,



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