I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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Back in the country we had the preacher in the wooden shack in the woods he could not read or write but for some how he knew how to read the Bible and preach the word and you did feel God not emotions,,I have not went to any school to learn to preach or teach but I got it the old fashion way ,,I stayed in Gods face til I got it right ,,Now I heard and seen the EDUCATED PREACHER,,dont take nothing from him but he is trainned to get the crowd excited we call it HOOPING,,he is trainned to not Prophesised but Profit lie...dont get me wrong there are some excellent schools out there but if God did not call you and you dont have the HolyGhost your just and educated fool,,you have to be Annointed to do Gods work everything now is who you know and I dont mean God,,No annointing,, Annointing means to be spiritually serperated to do Gods work or spiritually authorized according to my Bible dictionary..alot of preachers are not annointed I too have no schooling and I teach the schooling I asked them do you have the Holy Ghost and they give me a strange look..the Bible say that when Elijah was to be taken up by the Gods cab[chariots of fire] that Eliisha asked for a double portion and ,,Elijah took his garment and roll it up and smote the waters and the waters seperated and after Elijah went up to Heaven ,,Elisha watch him leave and the sons of the prophets watched on the other side and wondered how Elisha was going to get back to the other side Elisha roll up the mantel and smite the waters and the waters AGAIN seperated and Elisha walk through..so we can say that Elisha was trainned by a man of GOD not a school or Tabernacle..we too have to have a man of God in our lives to help in areas that the school left out,schools cant teach you how to cast out a demon ONLY GOD, Cant teach you how to perform a miracle only God, They dont teach you how to recieve the Holy Ghost only the Holy Ghost,,and for your comment about the dumb people in the church ,,Well ,,Son the laws of magetism is that you attrack people like you ,have you noticed that some of the people in the church did what you use to do or still doing
I agree and this is why. Let us pray for Pastor Marlon Mack.

Pastor charged with fondling 12-year-old
Recommend (45) Comments

December 16, 2008

Post-Tribune staff report
GARY -- Twice this summer, the pastor of Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church fondled and groped a 12-year-old member of his congregation, telling her "he wanted her to be his ho," court records filed Monday state.
Marlon C. Mack, 35, formerly of Van Buren Baptist Church here and New Community Baptist Church in Hammond, was charged with two counts of child molesting and faces up to 28 years in prison if convicted of the charges.

Patrolman Reggie Woods and Detective LaRia Crews arrested Mack on Sunday during a traffic stop at 13th Avenue and Grant Street.

Crews obtained the charges after the victim told her about the two incidents.

The first time, the girl, who turned 12 in May, said she came out of the church restroom and Mack was there. "He grabbed her by the breasts and started rubbing her," the probable cause affidavit states.

A month later, in August, Mack "pulled her into the kitchen" and put his hand down her pants. Later, he showed her pornographic photos and said he was going to introduce her to an older woman who would teach her about sex.

Mack is being held at Lake County Jail in Crown Point.

The Post-Tribune left a message on the church's answering machine Monday seeking comment on the pastor's status, but no one returned the call.

The church is at 3634 W. 11th Ave.
Child Molestation is a sickness and needs to be treated ,my question is how long has this been going on and the congregation allowed it?you will become what your under,,I agree he needs to spend some time in jail and until he really repents and be aware of his actions,,
point taken ,,very true,,it is so sad when we hear about something like this in or out the church but it hits hard when it is in the church
Well first and foremost, the little girl and her family are the victims period. NOT the church family or the pastor and his family if he has one. The church family probably knew about him and if he molested this girl and he has daughters then he may have started there. The lady he referrred to that was going to be the girls so called teacher in the disgusting display of misuse of the pulpit if she is a memeber she needs to be dealt with also. I agree with Brothers Moreh and West and anyone else who isn't going to feel sorry for this FOOL and satan implant. The problem with churches that are under a religion is the same with most institutional organizations such as politicians, police and others, they aren't judged by their piers properly and things covered up until it goes public. Thinking it's hard when it's a church like the church is the most precious thing on earth. The church is just a meeting place for followers of Christ and nothing more. It's not some building that is more special than outside the church. This is what I mean by the fact that we put ministers, pastors and churches on a pedestal. Well take that pedestal away! God forgive me but if it was one of my daughters when they were little girls you'd have to visit me in prison. God bless.
we have to be mindful that the is a hospital for spiritual and mental illnesses" for some" And only God can judge, I am not the pastor lawyer but I agree with the Pastor. We need to pray for everyone everyone is effected,Imagine what his family is going through..yes I understand mental scars verses physical and emtional scars ,,but hurt is hurt..but in this situation the girl is suffering
I'm going to leave this alone also because all I'm getting from you is his family and him and the church. Sure you pray for him in hopes he overcomes these fleshly desires and I don't call this a disease or sickness like a cold. Main emphasis to me is the little girl and her family period.
Wouldn't you agree that our choices affect everyone attached to us? If someone in my family had done this, we would all be torn up about it for four reasons:

1) should the judgment of God or of civil law be executed justly, such judgement would also negatively impact our family, and our seed.

2) The press about it is an emabarrasment for all involved-- and the act itself is reprehensible and a reproach to the ministry. Our family would be negatively stigmatized for his act (because this is some sick perverted stuff).

3) Someone from our family has abused his (or her) position and power to adversely affect innocent victims (both the child and her family) perhaps for ever.

....and finally....

4) A member of my family would have greatly grieved the heart of God, and whatever happens as a result, ALL people interconnected will suffer the consequences. When there is an Achan in the camp that has abused his position, the whole tribe suffers.

If this was MY pastor, or brother, uncle, or father, I would reallly be torn up that something like this has happened to an innocent child--right under my nose. I would wonder if I had been remiss in my duty to pray for all those in authority, so that we might lead a quite peaceable life....I guess I would be thinking many things, with much mixed emotion.

Let us pray for baby FIRST, her family, the psychological damage that could be done that will also affect everyone she may have relationships with--let us pray for the preacher, and for God to lift up some "spiritual" and mature servants who can "restore such a one (if possible) in the spirit of meekness, considering OURSELVES, lest we ALSO fall"...let us pray for his congregation--this is riviting! and let us pray for his family...they too, albeit vicariously, are innocent victims.
did he go too seminary????
He should be left alone, and beguiled as others who do the same are.
Shalom Brother
I always hear (only from Seminary graduates) this statement that seminary schooling teachs all the administrational needs for church and other religions and prepares you to preach. I also hear that Jesus was taught and He taught the disciples. What I remember is that Jesus knew more than those by the time He was twelve and already knew what He was here for. He needed no teaching of the Word for He was/is the Word. He may have learned how to be an Israelite but I doubt anyone needed or could teach Him about the Word. The disciples were Hebrew Isratelites and had to learn the Torah and the laws and got a lot of that wrong because of man changing God's Word with adding their traditions and ideas. Jesus changed that for them and He was the only One to teach them God's Word. Only the prophets before Christ that God spoke through taught them correctly. When man is left to do it, he will mess up every time. You stated how can we hear without a preacher? You're serious about that question to aren't you? I say you can do that by picking up the bible and before you read is ask God in Jesus Christ Holy name to bless you with His understanding, knowledge and wisdom in His Word. I guarantee you the Holy Spirit will provide you with learning His Word. I didn't go to seminary schools and I think the Holy Spirit has blessed me in His Word. I don't just go one day a week though and open my bible and let someone else show me His Word. This is and has been a daily love for me for some time. We can't pick up the bible and read it like some ordinary book and use our own wisdom, knowledge and understanding because we are carnal and He is Holy (though most of us do just that and try to analyze His Words as if we can). So I say we can hear by the Holy Spirit to answer your question and no it doesn't just fall from the sky (though it sort of does...lol). This is what I've learned from my own studies:

There are only three groups being talked to in the bible:
1. The Jews (Hebrew Israelites)
2. The Gentiles
3. The Church

Remember this:
1. Realize the bible is not hard to understand
2. Realize it is the Holy Spirit who teaches us the bible and you will never get anything out of it unless God’s Holy Spirit gives it to you
3. It’s imperative to get the divisions in the proper places, primarily:
• Who is being addressed in a particular passage, the Jews, Gentiles or Church
• The three different applications of scripture: historical, doctrinal and inspirational
• Realize the best way to learn is by association
• To understand the things you can not see, study the things God made because everything in this universe is some manifestation of God
• The two greatest words in the bible for learning by association are the words as and like
• Certain keys which unlock the pictures and help you see them are the individual words contained in the bible

God gave us the bible exactly the way He wanted us to have it and when someone changes His words in the bible, it destroys the Word of God. Proverbs 30:5-6, Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
KJV 1611 is this (to me):
God thought it!
Jesus bought it! (His blood at Calvary)
Holy Ghost taught it!
Satan fought it!
I got it!

Faith, Facts and Feelings are Basic Fundamentals of Balance in the bible:

The day you got saved, you got saved by faith. Understanding God is by faith. Believing Jesus Christ is our personal Lord and Saviour is through faith. Then you work on your faith. Exercise it (faith) to develop it to develop your relationship with God.
Facts: through the Word of God, the whole absolute truth to believe His facts must develop your faith to believe God’s kind of facts. Then your body is changed and your attitude changes. You love what God loves and hate what God hates.
Feelings are Spirit guidance! Proverbs 25:28, He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. Faith in Gods facts produces right feelings. Faith for the soul (our soul); Facts for the body (our body); and Feeling for spirit guidance (our spirit). Faith and no facts produce the wrong feelings! Faith and facts of the bible produce right feelings. The Bibles three applications; Historical is history of the world; Doctrinal is what the bible is teaching us; Inspirational is what the bible is to us. Historical is facts; Doctrinal is feelings, life of the bible; Inspirational is faith. The perfect balance for us is with the bible. Please believe I never put down the law as some think I do when I say we live by faith, I only go by God's Word and there are scriptures that Paul (from Jesus) taught that even Peter and others disputed at times. I can provide those for anyone that wants them and if they think my understanding is wrong then please set me straight. I am all about the truth but God's truth and not what man thinks God is saying. This is why I study and why I come to this site and other sites.

So though I don't say you shouldn't because we have been taught that we should go to school, I feel I can learn God's Word from Him and His guidance in studying and teaching. Sometimes this comes from others I believe He puts in my path to get my answers I ask of Him. Just my thought only so please dont' think this is a put down to anyone that choose to go to school. As usual, I just say it's not as necessary as some think if you let go and let God! Personally I'm not interested in administrational things, I leave that up to others. I just want to share with others and learn from others His Word knowing that we can all agree to disagree but keep it out of man's ideas and traditions. God Bless.


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