I think it is very important that preachers of today need to be seminary trained .

i say that because there are no more dumb folk in the church and i feel that it is a sad day for the preacher if he has somebody in the congregation that knows more about the bible than the preacher. Also i feel that if the pulpit is dumb then the pews are dumb.

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Please do my Brother, you know I'm all about wanting the truth and if there are more groups or if one of these is incorrect then show it too me. I call those that Jesus gathers as the church and that's what Paul calls it. Now I know you're going to show me Hebrew language that tells me something and I'm alright with that. LOL You know my eyes and ears are open and I will check it out and pray on it. You know how we are. LOL I was waiting to hear from you anyways. I'm alway hoping to hear what you say/think. I've grown to like it. LOL Peace and Love.
Oh My Brother if you could do that and give me heads up so I can blast this out and have folks be there and a place that would be just great. I have a few people since my eyes have been opened and it seems like I'm being lead to all sorts of places and seeing not only from those in Africa but Whites as well that are telling the truth even using genetics and of course the bible. I'm all down with the "Who Are You" and it's desparately needed on this site FOR REAL!! There will be opposition but I like a good debate/fight/enlightenment or whatever you want to call it. It's done something for me that's for sure and it needs to be taught all over America as far as I'm concerned and I don't care about people saying they are mixed with this and that because we all are. Later!
Bro. John, SHALOM:

Hope you are doing well....you know your post is LOADED, right?....LOL!!!! I just wanted to comment on a few items.

Yahshua (Jesus) could not have been a Master Rabbi simply because he had divine revelation from his Father alone...he WAS well taught.

AND there is a difference between historical facts and TRUTH. All factual data is not necessarily truth.

I am not sure that what we currently have as canon is the "Bible EXACTLY the way God wanted it", since it has undergone revisions, ommissions, translations etc at the hands of Europe, and the Nicean Council....I believe the original autographs were far more inerrant. You should check out King James of England's political scheme in the making of the KJV....it's some REAL interesting stuff out there on it.

Do you think the reference you made to Proverbs would be talking about the Bible as we have it now (since it did not exist as such at that time)? Ach Moreh could have a FIELD day with that one--ROFL.

True -- Indeed we are saved by faith. We believe EVERY thing we believe by faith. The day I got saved, I got saved by FAITH in what someone taught and revealed to me. My salvivic process would have been much smoother had it not been for the leavened doctrine I was taught by both seminary and non-seminary trained preachers. What prevented me from being saved and Spirit filled eariler was the disputing of preachers in the pulpit and radio, AND mostly the ignorance they espoused while attacking other preachers who did not believe as they....unfortunately, most of those doing 'battle" against each other were baptists and pentecostals, AND the educated and uneducated... What a horrible example for a child (at that time) who was as desperate for truth as she was for God.

Again, preachers may never agree on this education issue. I don't know why it has to be an "either or" choice....seems to me "both AND" is most benificial to us all. I guess what matters most is what our Father and Adoni has to say about US, and how we have sanctified Him before the people, and how well or not-so-well we have been effective, profitable, and faithful stewards over this ministry He has entrusted to us.

Disputes can be good, especially if they are void of religious arrogance and rigidity....they gender questions, quandries, and queries-- of which we may arrive at truth (even if the truth is about us).

Since you do not pastor, I certainly can see why you would have little interest in church administration, ( I sure wasn't when I was just preaching on the circuit). But I do think that you would want your pastor to be well versed in it so that the church's resources, ministries, rules, and finances are all handled decently and in order.

Finally, and I will defer to my brother, Moreh (cuz I KNOW he is ITCHIN' to get wear this one out), but the "church" that you claim Jesus started does not remotely resemble what we call the church today....
...you can kind of tell by the nature of our arguments on this thread---ROFL...

love and prayers Bro John

Thank you my Sister for all you say. Now you should know that I'm counting on people chewing me up and spitting me out...LOL (with love of course). And I know Moreh better than a whole lot of people on this site and I always expect for him to come back with his thoughts, findings and replies as I would you. I know also that those of the seminary think that I hold low regards for them and that is so false. All I have ever stated is that it isn't necessary to go that route.

You and Moreh and I will never agree on some things and I'm all good with that and he will tell you that. LOL See I'm one of those that believes in my heart that Jesus was God in the flesh and though he was Hebrew Israelite and taught (attempted by the priest) I'm sure He did more correcting than anything hence the problems between them. He didn't like being called Rabbi as he didn't like being called Master I believe either or was into titles as He stated to those that liked all the attention given to them for their rankings, seats or what ever you want to call it. I think Jesus was well taught before He was manisfested in the flesh and why he always they were always astonished including Joseph and Mary. This is another topic as the one about the writing of the bible and it's translations. Trust me Moreh and I have gone around the block several times and I expect to go around some more. LOL Let me say so you can see where I come from. Though the Bible has authors such as Moses, prophets and disciples to me they are not the author meaning as authors today decide to write a book and do it. I truly believe in my heart everyone in the bible only wrote what they were instructed and moved by God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit and not of themselves. I truly believe that though men translated the bibles into other languages, that those men were chosen by God to do the translating and not of themselves. I don't know I could be the only person in the world that believes this but that's find with me because I will carry it to my grave. No way will I believe that God would allow man to write or interpret His Book for us. I am totally aware that times have changed and lands and cultures and languages and all that. I KNOW that God knew that before the foundation of the world and made arrangements for it. I also believe that satan as always tries to get there before God does or when necessary trys to confuse the world and has created his own line of bibles. I feel that God is perfect the first time each and everytime and has no need to put out tons of bibles or needs man to correct or redo for Him because of different times and languages. I also disagree with our thinking that we of today were more intelligent than them from Adam to those during Jesus walk on earth. If anything I feel we as humans had degenerated as humans because of sin and not as close to being perfect as Adam and his offspring of earlier times were. I think we in our times have a false sense of intelligence because we feel man is getting smarter as times/ages go by. I will dispute that until the day I die also. LOL Just because we have universities and internet/computers and go to space and have all the machines we have I think we as humans have gotten ignorant as we go through the ages/times.

My feelings about administration in churches I knew was going to get some feedback and you were nice because I'm waiting to be hit with a brick upside the head on that statement. It's not that it's not important because if you have a business you need administrative skills. I said it and I called religion today a business. String me up I don't care it's what I feel about it. I see more churches concerned about administration and filling up the church than I do preaching and teaching the Word and preaching salvation. I said it and I'm going to hear about this to but you'll find out I don't try to say what others want to hear or don't want to hear. I say what I feel and don't try to hurt others by it just speak my mind and I expect others to do the same and especially about me. My skin is real thick. LOL You say my Brother Moreh is itching and I've already alluded to that and expect it and I'm going to love it. LOL God bless and much love to you my Sister as always.
CHIEF APOSTLE, AND BISHOP, And you have been trained and well suited. Confused if anything. In the order of God, I think not. The Holy Ghost, Guides and teaches in everything, according to the Word, Servant happens not to be a subject nor degree offered in your seminaries. It is most likely the fault of not reading and comprehending, that many do not know that the Apostles did not worry of the daily administration of the Church.. You most likely could have been taught some lies{God is truth, and every man a liar}. Too maximize GOD'sS call on your life submit yourself {mind,body,and spirit}. and see what they call you.lol they called the true Apostles un-learned men, after they witnessed the power{call} of God upon them. What does Seminary teach you that others in a book haven't all ready, the difference is truth and falsehood, lies. With God we learn too discern{as in know the difference} between what is God and not God...
You all have excellent views,however Jesus deciples were all unlearned while with jesus ,,if you read the Bible it tell how they tried to cast out demons ,walk on top of water and Do what they saw Jesus do,,they did not receive powere til the day of pentacost,,before that they were all unlearned,,they even ask, Master teach us how to pray..this is why I said few days ago we need the Holyghost from on high to teach us these things that the Schools cannot,,,they cant teach you how to cast out a demon,heal the sick pray away depressed or suicidal,or even to decern other spirits,however some need schools for that extra trainning wheel,,we need to get back to being in Gods face 24/7 and asking for revelation on what he is trying to tell us and not mans view, because what he is telling one man he could be saying something different to another
AMEN! They were not educated until filled with the Holy Ghost! They would come back all excited because of the things they were able to do. Now Jesus did give them the ability to do some things but it wasn't really there for them until they were filled with the Holy Spirit. I think people assumed they were educated. They were learning because the were witnessing what Jesus was doing but didn't have the faith needed to do what Jesus was doing because they didn't have the power of the Holy Spirit. I see you really read the Bible! LOL
Before you take this wrong I am not being against school. I'm asking you a question as to how does seminary.. no what are the skills that seminary provides one to study the bible more effectively as you stated. Thanks in advance.
My comment on being uneducated has nothing to do with man's education perceptions. Matthew was a tax collector and that education is nothing. Most of God's chosen were fishermen and herders were they not. I know Luke was a doctor but once again we look at man's education as meaning something when it doesn't spiritually. Man can't make you spirtual or understand God's Word, to me it is His Holy Spirit through men and in us that teaches us. I just don't believe everything that fesses to be of God is and man's education is one of them. Just to me now and we know what opinons are like. God bless.
Jesus performed many Miracles lets try 43 in 3 years..Jesus went in Tabernacles and synagogues where there was Orthodox Jews and pharisees and other religiuos leaders,These leaders was trainned however Jesus began to deal with them and there knowledge because there hearts was not right ,they would try to trap Jesus with Parables and that too had no victory,because Jesus more into the spiritual than the Physical..Now I said before I seen the Schooling and I had NO TRAINNING from any school and I had to on many occassions correct the Schooling because they have this thing where 'I am a colloge graduate from this College and I Can do this,,Now when I hear the Word 'I' and not with help from the Holy ghost' That raises a red flag' Now as a preacher we have heard every sermons,,I want to feel or here the Holyghost in the sermon and that is something that schoolings cant give you onle GOD..you see people think they dont need God just the schooling and we dont need anymore preachers that are not hearing from God or God did not call,,I can almost tell you how strong the Annonitng is on a persons life by the Hell that they went through, the oil dont leave the olive till the olive has been CRUSHED,,Thats when Brokenss comes in if your not going through anything or overcame anything then you dont really have a good annoniting because hardtimes will make you pray,you cant preach to me about ;I overcame the storm; when you never been in one ,,Listen to me and Brother John Young Man..the Bible says that when Elijah Got through challenging the 450 prophets of Baal that Jazebell put a Contract to have him killed he then ran and fled to the mountains and pray that God would kill him,,you see as a preacher 'One foot is in the peopels problem and the other in there solution' ,,but who's foot is in our Problem besides God,,did the school teach you that?the books and the degrees are good but when real hell comes you better throw away the books Because God is looking at your Heart Not your degrees.you have to be Connected and that dont require books
Thanks and I agree to an extent. I know sufferings leads us to God in most cased but if we are in Jesus Christ we dont' really have to suffer. Jesus prayed for the disciples and us in John 17 and if we would allow our minds to be renewed and truly put on the new man we could be like the disciples and Jesus because this makes us sons of God. Now I know Jesus performed many more miracles than the 43 in 3 years because John 21:25 says the even the world istself could not contain the books that should be written.

I agree,however we too have suffered many things in life. For Christ sake we will go through storms of life but we must stw anchored in the lord,with Christ we still will go through things but there will come a time where we should be over commers of the storm..bad things happens to good people,


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