April 2009 Blog Posts (526)

Self-Deliverance Worksheet

Reflection and Repentance Worksheet ________________________________________

This worksheet will not be used in any formal exercise later in the study, and is simply meant to assist you in thinking about areas of your life that you may have been "taken captive" by the forces of darkness. What you do with it is up to you.

Please remember that not all problems can be attributed to demons. But until the day when the church is discerning… Continue

Added by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on April 10, 2009 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

God is our Faith

God is our Faith

Through God we find strength
Through faith we find salvation
As we praise our Lord


©2009-01-19 GC
An EbonyPoetJoint
All rights reserved

Added by Gene Cole on April 10, 2009 at 7:26am — No Comments

Jesus Never Called Satan Lucifer And -He- Has Set The Tone For The Rest Of Us To Emulate.

As long as I can remember the Christian community have called Satan Lucifer. So I emulated my teaching.

Father God never called Satan Lucifer and He did not send our Lord and Savior Jesus down to earth with that information for training purposes either. We have to call him by his true name when casting him out.

Sometimes we would call him sleufoot as a nickname. It wasn't until 2007-2008 while I was studying the word of God that I realized that Isaiah 14:12 in both the… Continue

Added by Pastor .Val-Val on April 10, 2009 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

Basking in his glory

Basking in his Glory

A celebration

For the salvation that I have found

A love so pure and unconditional

And faith that is sound

Within the sunlight

Of his beauty

I allow myself to get drenched

Because I am basking in his glory

My precious Lord

Embrace me

Fulfill me the Holy Spirit

Mind and body

Point me in the right direction

On this life’s journey

Because I walk with the knowledge that you have… Continue

Added by Gene Cole on April 10, 2009 at 2:48am — No Comments

24 Hours of Faith

24 Hours of Faith



Is what gets us through the day

Knowing that the things we face within 24 hours

God will guide us through the day


Many will confront you

And try to bring you down

Trying to test your faith

But remember God is always around



Different situations

But drive and strength

Will always be your motivation


Faith is a fortified fence

That guards you from… Continue

Added by Gene Cole on April 10, 2009 at 2:44am — No Comments

Let us share this information!

Our Ministry in the Community.

We’re known for a very active program that serves the community-education, health and others programs. In his opening address to participants. But it has to be more than this; Individually, “we need to remind ourselves that we have to make a positive contribution to society,”

“While we are a spiritual community, we cannot afford to become preoccupied with the world to come, and lose interest in the world where we are currently placed,” As a we… Continue

Added by Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala on April 10, 2009 at 2:02am — 2 Comments

Meeting at The Foot of The Cross

The Word of God has no flaws, and this is where we must meet. I was raised in the Baptist church, I went to a Lutheran School (middle school), I have had fellowship with different groups within the military chapel system, and I worked with foreign missionaries in Korea for 2 years. I helped start the first Church of God in Christ in Korea. During Operation Desert Storm I lead 2 Muslims to Christ with an Assembly of God brother and an apostolic brother. (This was not easy…but it happened) I have… Continue

Added by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on April 9, 2009 at 9:44pm — No Comments

How Do I Get Tax-Exempt Status?

What is 501(c)(3)

Church leaders are often confused by their friends (or their Attorney's), when they are told they must "Get" a 501(c)(3). What they mean to say is, "Do you have a favorable "Ruling Letter" from the IRS." When a church chooses to file the IRS Form 1023, they will receive this letter.

The Church must meet both the organizational and operational test. Whereas Section 501(c)(3) of the US Tax Code (and its’ various sub sections) describe the various organizations exempt… Continue

Added by Mark H. Stevens, Th.D on April 9, 2009 at 9:41pm — No Comments

T.G.I.F. And It's Good Friday!

A "bad" thing happened to Jesus on Good Friday, so what makes Good Friday so "good'? Jesus was falsely accused, scorned, rejected, whipped, humiliated, and nailed to the Cross on Good Friday. He suffered an agonizing death that day at the hands of the Jewish and Roman authorities. What happened on Good Friday definitely was not good, but the results were very good for you and me. Scripture tells us that because Jesus endured the suffering of the Cross, Christians can shout, T.G.I.F.!,… Continue

Added by Min. Angela Lee Price on April 9, 2009 at 9:30pm — No Comments

The New Apostolic Reformation (from Jonas Clark) - This is a MUST read!

The New Apostolic Reformation

(Article written by Jonas Clark.)

It seems to me that many churches in America are free-falling into ineffectiveness.

Are we becoming prey to the religious spirits? Have we become so inner-focused that we ignore the needs of those around us? If we don’t keep the Great Commission in the forefront of our ministries are we prime candidates for lukewarmness and apathy?

Many believers are talking about the… Continue

Added by Adrienne Williams on April 9, 2009 at 8:53pm — No Comments


My people do not faint nor be weary for I shall come and that soon. Trust in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for as I was with them so shall I AM with thee. Wipe your tears and dry your eyes for I AM the beginning and the end. For as the wind bloweth you know not whence it comes but you know it comes, so shall I come in the mist of your troubles. Wipe you tears dry your eyes for I am he that cometh and my reward is in my hand. Get up children from your bed of afflictions and rise and shine… Continue

Added by Prophetess Odessa Moton on April 9, 2009 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

What is wrong with talking doctrine?

What is wrong with talking doctrine?

Current mood: curious

Category: Religion and Philosophy

From the Desk of Reverend L.J. Traylor

Does Doctrine really separate

The Church of Christ?

As I watched a very well respected pastor and world-renowned televangelist on this week, a very familiar statement was made as he taught on the love of God. The statement has become so common in our Christian circles that it has… Continue

Added by Rev. Lionel J. Traylor on April 9, 2009 at 3:34pm — 1 Comment

Showers of Power: A Women's Fellowship & 6 Dynamic Workshops - Saturday 25 Aptil 2-7pm Waldorf, MD

Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!

Dear Pastors and Leaders who diligently serve the body of Christ. Please allow me to

introduce myself. I am Minister LaTisha Tippins Founder of Sisters Offering Up Praise

(SOUP) Ministries and Associate Minister at Bible Temple Church where Joseph E. Young is

the Pastor in Waldorf, Maryland. I would like to share my vision with you:

SOUP Ministries is global women's ministry with mission to teach, empower and… Continue

Added by Darian & LaTisha Tippins on April 9, 2009 at 3:32pm — No Comments

Are You Ready For The Day Of The Lord?!

Are You Ready For The Day Of The Lord?

Current mood: determined

Category: Religion and Philosophy

Are You Ready For The Day Of The Lord?

Praise the Lord everyone!!

I believe the entitled subject proposes a great question that should be alarming to the sinner and resonating in the heart of those of us who are called, " Christian". The message of the coming of the Lord has taken a back seat to secular teaching and… Continue

Added by Rev. Lionel J. Traylor on April 9, 2009 at 3:31pm — No Comments

What We Believe; A Proclamation of the Apostolic Faith

What We Believe; A Proclamation of the Apostolic Christian Faith

Current mood: confident

Category: Religion and Philosophy

We Believe in the one true and living God, maker of all creation; who has manifested himself in His Son, Jesus Christ for the purpose of redemption and as the Holy Ghost for the purpose of intervening in the lives of people. (Deut. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:16)

We Believe in the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, the bible we possess today are… Continue

Added by Rev. Lionel J. Traylor on April 9, 2009 at 3:29pm — 1 Comment

The Scoffers.

The Scoffers.

To scoff; “To treat with insolent ridicule, mockery or contumelious language; to manifest contempt by derision; with at. To scoff at religion and sacred things is evidence of extreme weakness and folly, as well as of wickedness.”

There are certain parallels in these end days to the truth of the scriptures. There are many that are scoffing at the Christians that say, Christ is returning soon. Jesus stated that He would return, when all is fulfilled, and… Continue

Added by Rev.Anthony Ray Smith Sr. on April 9, 2009 at 1:39pm — No Comments


"If the Lord went to a cross for us, the least we can do is carry a cross for Him." - Bible Exposition Commentary

"The Cross is the pain of the self-denial required. The Cross is the symbol of doing our duty, even at the cost of the most painful death." - People's New Testament

"A man's self is to him the prime cause of most of his miseries." - Adam Clarke

"To deny myself is to put self out of the picture and to put Christ in the place of self." - J.Vernon McGee

"After all,… Continue

Added by Connie Giordano on April 9, 2009 at 11:49am — No Comments

Dead in Adam or Alive in Christ, Part 3

Romans 5:17: “For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”

Alive in Christ

The first man Adam disobeyed God and fell into sin. This resulted in his death which all of the human race inherited in him. The second Man Jesus Christ in complete obedience to God took upon Himself the sins of humanity. Consequently He… Continue

Added by PoemiaDei on April 9, 2009 at 6:00am — No Comments



P.O BOX 1691,Kitale 30200 Kenya

9th April 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,




Hon, We kindly request for your assistance to enable us buy 100 plastic chairs, 1 Amplifier & 2 Speakers 1 Piano.


The following items are required to make the church successfully… Continue

Added by Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala on April 9, 2009 at 2:06am — No Comments

Ebenzer Universal Outreach Ministry


This is Ebenezer Universal Outreach Mission Church.

In 2000 we started fellowship with some brothers in Mombasa house Webuye Township; in 2001 we rented a shop and started a church in Ndivisi. in 2003 we contributed some money and bought a plot and build temporary church we started having crusades on Ndivisi market and many people got saved and joined our church.

In 2005 Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala & Everlyne Khakasa… Continue

Added by Pst.Dr. Johnstone Sikulu Wanjala on April 9, 2009 at 2:00am — No Comments

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