April 2009 Blog Posts (526)

Time to stop running

I have been under attack and I have shot myself in the foot through my life and the worst place to be is in neutral. I am having a hard time because there is something I must do, but my flesh tells me to run from it or ignore it. But I can't it is time for me step up to the plate. I have been in ministry for a few years and recently moved to Corning, after living in New York City and Washington D.C. This small town in up-state New York, has brought me a great measure of Peace.

But… Continue

Added by Minister Ron Richardson on April 13, 2009 at 8:34pm — No Comments

Turning Physical Pain into Triumph for the Lord

Christian Living Magazine March/April 2009 Issue

Written By: Diana J. Baker

New artist, Kelly Manu, a Canadian singer/songwriter, was in a car accident in 2004. After the accident, she became quite ill. “Although doctors treated my neck injury for two months, I sensed that something far more serious was wrong with me,” Kelly says. Her intuition proved to be absolutely right on. “I finally found a doctor who listened to

me, and I was diagnosed with cervical cancer,” she… Continue

Added by Singer/Songwriter Kelly Manu on April 13, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Mark 16:2 "the SUN being now risen" is the SUN of Malachi 4:2

Mark 16:2

And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre

*at the rising of the sun.*


An insightful commentary can be found, in of all places, in a Catholic bible, which explains the identity of the "sun" that was risen when the women came to the tomb.

It was not the astronomical sun in the Heavens, but the "SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" of Malachi 4:2, who is our Messiah!

Mark… Continue

Added by Anna on April 13, 2009 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment


I'm looking to help change lives...to encourage lost and lonely souls...I want to let all know...that there is sooooo much more to life...when you really Trust and Believe in God and Jesus Christ.
God is truly so good!

Added by Singer/Songwriter Kelly Manu on April 13, 2009 at 4:04pm — 1 Comment

There were fundamental principles that the early church practiced as an apostolic church that made it successful. What has caused this dispensations Church to be weak, faithless, without integrity? …

There were fundamental principles that the early church practiced as an apostolic church that made it successful.

What has caused this dispensations Church to be weak, faithless, without integrity?

Why today church powerless and the people of the world is making a mockery of it?

Why is the church struggling at this time to fulfil the great commission? Lets us talk about this. Continue

Added by Apostle Anthony Yarde on April 13, 2009 at 3:44pm — 2 Comments

Managing a godly Life: Choosing a Mate


God has given every person free will. He will not make your decisions for you. It is important that you make wise decisions so that you can experience the good life. You must allow the Word to be your final authority where your decisions are concerned. One of the most important decisions you will make in life is your choice of a marriage partner. It is critical that you ask the right questions when considering a mate. Life is a series of decisions and the most important decision you… Continue

Added by Apostle Aundrae T. Shaw on April 13, 2009 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Women In (Congregational) Leadership

Women In Leadership

A Study in Paul's View

by Lenore Lindsey Mullican

(This scholarly woman is a Hebrew teacher and historian who teaches and is a department head at ORU in Tulsa, Oklahoma.)

The interpretation and understanding of Paul’s views on women in Church leadership has had a profound effect on the expression of God-given gifts by women to the Christian community. Women have been restricted from exercising their spiritual gifts because some… Continue

Added by Anna on April 13, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments


There is a group of people in our midst. They are the "puffed up." They are full of themselves. As you get to know them, you find that their entire being oozes out with self-righteousness, self-trust, self-seeking, self-pleasing, self-will, self-defense, and self-glory.

Are you one of them?

" 'Man is like an onion,' said A.T. Pierson, 'layer after layer, and each a layer of self in some form. Strip off self-righteousness and you will come to self-trust. Get beneath this and you… Continue

Added by Connie Giordano on April 13, 2009 at 2:46pm — No Comments

Our Response to God

Our Response to God

Dr. Anthony A. Yarde

Just as it was in Bible times, standing in the presence of a Holy God is an awesome experience.

- To stand before Him is to stand before The One who created the entire universe

- Any encounter with God carries with it a serious accountability

- No one can be in God’s presence without a serious response

This response required is not a response to a concept, a law or a principle

- It is a response to a… Continue

Added by Apostle Anthony Yarde on April 13, 2009 at 12:18pm — No Comments


i am honored to be a child of God!. As I become consumed by the presence of my Father, i come to the realization of a callin' that has been place deep within me. For a reason or another, knowing that God is looking for me to become totally dependent on him and i rest in the assurance that this is God's spirit operating within me. If i didn't know of this calling from earlier in my life, i would think that i am loosing my mind. Now as time has progress… Continue

Added by KHADINE BECKFORD on April 13, 2009 at 11:41am — No Comments

Five Leadership “Be’s” from the Resurrection David Anthony Clarke As I reflect on the Resurrection of Jesus, I’d like to share five “Be’s” that will make leaders worthy of honor. 1. Be true to your…

Five Leadership “Be’s” from the Resurrection

David Anthony Clarke

As I reflect on the Resurrection of Jesus, I’d like to share five “Be’s” that will make leaders worthy of honor.

1. Be true to your word.

Jesus said He would lay down His life and pick it up again (Jn. 10:17-18). That is exactly what He has done. He was true to His Word.

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Let me add one more thing: give serious thought toward the cost of… Continue

Added by Pastor David Anthony Clarke on April 13, 2009 at 10:42am — No Comments

The Essence of a Man/Woman Conference

Coming soon this summer to Atlanta, New York, Florida, North Carolina, Houston, Austin, Dallas and Oklahoma.. I am looking for sponsers, vendors, speakers and authors. If God has placed this upon your heart then get back with me and we can discuss this in detail.

Added by The Apostle on April 13, 2009 at 10:26am — No Comments


The Bible declares that his mercy's are new every morning. So with this being the case. God gives us mercy beacause of our sinful lifestyle. He desires us to ask for forgiveness for every sin that we do, but if we continue within the same sins, it would be taking advantage of God sending his son to sacrifice his life, if w continue in the sam sin it would make jesus regret dying on the cross.continue in the same sin God's rath will show up because it would had been a waste of time to die for… Continue

Added by Minister Jamal Lewis Mcbryde on April 13, 2009 at 9:44am — 1 Comment

The Touch of the Master's Hand!

The Touch of the Master’s Hand!

The story is told of a rare fiddle that was put up for auction. Initially the folks at the auction thought that this fiddle would draw a large sum of money! Well the bidding didn’t go as planned and the bids were ten dollars, twenty dollars, thirty dollars going once, going twice….suddenly a man emerged from the crowd and played the most melodious tune that has ever been heard on that fiddle! The bidding instantly went through the roof, ten thousand,… Continue

Added by Stephen F. Smith on April 13, 2009 at 2:05am — No Comments


ATTENTION ALL WOMEN!!! You are invited to attend the first Abundant Life International Fellowship Women's Ministry Teleconference on Friday, April 17 at 7 p. m. Central Time. This will be an opportunity to fellowship with godly women from all over and discuss issues of concern to today's Christian woman. To be a part of this teleconference, call in at the stated time at 785-686-3244 and enter passcode 500718#. For more information,… Continue

Added by Suffragan Bishop Vickie E. Dean. on April 12, 2009 at 11:22pm — No Comments

Help Save DJ Young Publishing Co. Site - Appeal from great granddaughter of DJ Young is a COGIC pioneer.

DJ Young Pub Co Petition.doc

From: Raynard Smith

Mar 31, 2009 9:22 AM

Subject: Fw: Help Save DJ Young Publishing Co. Site

Greetings COGIC Scholars,

Below is an appeal for help from Dr. Ladrian Brown, the great great granddaughter of D.J. Young a COGIC pioneer. Please let's assist her in her urgent endeavor. Grace and… Continue

Added by Evangelist Patrica A. Allbritton on April 12, 2009 at 11:01pm — No Comments

Pt 2) The Biblical Feasts: Redeeming The Time


Each feast reveals a piece of the mystery like a piece of a jig-saw puzzle in time. When the picture is complete, we find ourselves gazing at a portrait of Jesus Christ. With that understanding, every activity in our life is part of the celebration and thus becomes holy service to God. Without it, all activities are pseudo-events and remain only idol worship.

At three of the feasts--Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles--every… Continue

Added by Anna on April 12, 2009 at 10:59pm — No Comments

Pt 1) The Biblical Feasts: Redeeming The Time

The Feasts: Redeeming the Time

For most of its existence, the Christian Church has been unaware that it is surrounded by a pulsating cycle of seasons and celebrations ordained by God ... a wellspring of revelation just beyond its reach.

It has tried to set a rhythm of its own with "holidays" and liturgical observances, many taken over from pagan celebrations. But even Easter, the oldest and most revered observance, vibrates slightly out of sync with the… Continue

Added by Anna on April 12, 2009 at 10:56pm — No Comments


Thousands in the world today are doing just that, dying for Christ. Did you know that there are more being martyred for being a follower of Christ than any timein the history of Christianity? Their crimes is that they love Jesus. There are over 8,000 members here on BPN, would we lay down our very lives and die for the one who died for us?

Joh 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his… Continue

Added by Scott R. Newman on April 12, 2009 at 10:24pm — 5 Comments

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